
Philipp Hindahl writes about art, literature, politics, architecture, the internet and the people on it. Get in touch via e-mail and stay in touch via Instagram. Subscribe to his newsletter, These Days, which is compiled with great care.

Selected writing

Interview: Joshua Citarella: "Die Menschen bewegen sich weg von der Mitte und hin zu den politischen Rändern", Monopol

Interview: Kulturhauptstadt Chemnitz 2025: "Wo ist die Mitte und wie rechts ist sie?", der Freitag

Report: Elusive Lightness on a Greek Island, Flash Art

Review: Lily McMenamy, Spike

Review: Marianna Simnett, Winner, Flash Art

Playlist: listening session at Grotto Berlin

Essay: Digesting the Digital. Cory Arcangel redefines Art's Boundaries, Art Basel Stories

Profile: Pier Paolo Pasolini. Vom Leben beschmutzt, der Freitag

Report: Nationalistisches Denkmal mit "Wow-Wahrzeichen"-Effekt, der Freitag

Essay: Wie aus den Galeries Lafayette eine Bibliothek werden könnte, der Freitag

Review: A Precarious Present. The Kyiv Perennial in Berlin, Art Link

Profile: An Illegible World. Sung Tieu, Flash Art

Report: Nadja Tolokonnikowa, Neue Nationalgalerie, der Freitag

Talk: Roni Horn. Making Being Here Enough, Museum Ludwig

Interview: Cory Arcangel. An einen richtig guten Majerus komme ich nicht heran, Monopol

Profile: Past / Future / Art. In Melitopol blüht noch kein Weizen, der Freitag

Review: Meredith Monk, Calling, Flash Art

Report: Art-Making in Kyiv's Warped Present, Spike

Review: Hope, Museion Bolzano, Flash Art

Review: Doing Things with Words. Poetry for Revolutions, Mousse

Report: Tashkent Modernism. The Invention of the Soviet East, Pin-Up

Interview: Lauren Boyle, DIS. "It is a tale, like everything else," Various Artists

Review: The New World Looks like the Old One. DYOR at Kunsthalle Zürich, Momus

Essay: A Treasure of Berlin Brutalism on the Brink of a Transhumanist Future, Pin-Up

Essay: The Decade of Magical Thinking. How Autofiction Reinvents Criticism, Mousse